
Monthly Archives: July 2012

Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

I stare down
the line of sight
at Saturn–
a ball bearing struck through
with a pin–

and I am that child
inclined to fly there
unannounced and skim
dust and ice
from the rings.

“The Universe’s First Fireworks” – from the NASA Spitzer Space Telescope Collection. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/A. Kashlinsky (GSFC)

I could travel to the stars
but for these difficulties.
Janus the gatekeeper
always says ‘no’–
his head backlit
by a tease of stars
none of which are mine.
This door closed,
I chisel an archway
with my words.

Today’s sun with sunspots. Image credit: NASA SOHO.

The perfidy
in this brief estrangement:

you still holding on
through the wide curve

even through
the slowed momentum

the distance
nothing more than
the final confidence
of our return.

Congrats, J.A. Grier!  Your 7-7 lines were picked by the judges from the submissions.  So here it is: the final haiku!

by Christine Rueter and J.A. Grier

To the orrery,
we add more distant planets
too faint for our eyes.
This bright, braille wave invites
us to come – explore by touch.


The collaborative haiku guidelines (retained for posterity):

Renga is a form of collaborative haiku with a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable structure. A single writer initiates the poem with the first 5-7-5 stanza and welcomes other writers to provide the 7-7 stanza.

Anyone can submit the 7-7 lines! For the sake of all renga participants, please include your lines as comments to the collaborative haiku post so that others can see what has been submitted. I will “close” the renga to submissions on the date indicated with the collaborative haiku post.  I will have two independent judges pick their favorite from the submissions. The final renga will be published on this blog, and the submitter will be given co-credit with me in the by-line.