
Tag Archives: typography

A page of a typography article redacted.  The article is Everett R. Currier's 1920 "The Origin and Use of Swash Letters" from "The Printing Art," Volume XXXIV.  The inset image of a "spiral nebula" is from J. Norman Lockyer's 1871 "The Elements of Astronomy."

A page of a typography article redacted. The article is Everett R. Currier’s 1920 “The Origin and Use of Swash Letters” from “The Printing Art,” Volume XXXIV. The inset image of a “spiral nebula” is from J. Norman Lockyer’s 1871 “The Elements of Astronomy.”

This Voyager 1 image of Jupiter’s red spot was taken March 5, 1979. Image credit: NASA/JPL

I am trying to read
this fluid story
as I have been taught

to read for meaning

but the serifed
letters flatten
and bend
in the conflict

until they signify

by negative space
and storms

unyielding editors
the kerning
and the intent
until the text