
Tag Archives: Curiosity

Piece based on the January 15 Mars selfie taken by the Mars Curiosity rover.   Mixed media: paper, acrylic, box, image of Mars Curiosity rover (credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS).

Piece based on the January 15 Mars selfie taken by the Mars Curiosity rover.
Mixed media: paper, acrylic, box, image of Mars Curiosity rover (credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS).

Spacecraft and rovers from Earth to upper right: Hubble Space Telescope (image credit: NASA), lunar rover Yutu (image credit: China space), Mars rover Curiosity (image credit: NASA/JPL), Cassini (image credit: NASA/JPL), Rosetta (image credit: ESA, image by AOES Medialab), New Horizons (image credit: NASA), Voyager (image credit: NASA), and Pioneer (image credit: NASA).

Spacecraft and rovers from Earth to upper right: Hubble Space Telescope (image credit: NASA), lunar rover Yutu (image credit: China space), Mars rover Curiosity (image credit: NASA/JPL), Cassini (image credit: NASA/JPL), Rosetta (image credit: ESA, image by AOES Medialab), New Horizons (image credit: NASA), Voyager (image credit: NASA), and Pioneer (image credit: NASA).

Cabinet of curiosities created from Mars Curiosity Rover images.  Rover image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Cabinet of curiosities created from Mars Curiosity Rover images. Rover image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

What curiosity can we house
within four walls

now that we’ve touched down
in the next backyard?

What prize will stay put
in partitioned space

and homestead there

and never dream
of the next room

content to be contained

and not instinctively

According to NASA MSL, “this view results from the first observation of a target selected autonomously by a spacecraft on Mars” (i.e., NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity). Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell University

I sit in the sandbox
with the Matchbox car city
run by ants,

my fingers tracing a rille
void of lava or water or ice
through the main parking lot.

Though you may not see it,
this touch
means loss of separation

with the finite.

You can try
to stop me,

but I am already
the obvious

including stones
and air

have connected
with everything

have become
a sinuous river

meandering through
valleys and lechs
past my allotted time.