
Monthly Archives: December 2013

launch001Staring from the blacktop
at my daughter’s school

at the wrong
section of sky

until over the other
line of trees

an orange light
I didn’t expect

grabs me
and then I can’t

look anywhere else

startled by each flare
of separation

as pieces drop away
and come home

and what remains
drops the last of its hue

and keeps going.

Background image is Jupiter's moon, Europa.  Image credit: Credit: NASA/JPL/Ted Stryk.  The borrowed text overwriting the image is from "The Rape of Europa by Jupiter: a masque" (1694).

Background image is Jupiter’s moon, Europa. Image credit: Credit: NASA/JPL/Ted Stryk. The borrowed text overwriting the image is from “The Rape of Europa by Jupiter: a masque” (1694).  The current climate of underfunding planetary science makes a mission to Europa unlikely.

I pulled the phrase "irresistable to women" from a current magazine (and its romantic context) and reclaimed the phrase.  The text I have redacted is the 1829 piece "Curiosity: A Poem."

I pulled the phrase “irresistible to women” (as in “women can’t resist him”) from a current magazine and reclaimed the phrase.  (Basically I believe women can have “irresistible pulls” that are non-romantic in nature, for example a pull towards science!)  The text I have redacted is the 1829 piece “Curiosity: A Poem.”